Monday, October 31, 2011

“Pearls of Wisdom Series 4: How to cram for a test”

“I’m so screwed, I don’t know how I’m going to remember any of this with just two days until the test!” If you’re like this and are scratching your head, please continue reading to see if my tips help. Be aware that this doesn’t work for things you have to learn. (ie Math and Science) This only works for memorization and analysis. I’ve used these steps many times to pass my exams. (Disclaimer: I am not promising you will get an excellent grade on your test. I am merely showing you a way you can remember a large amount of information in a short period of time. This method doesn’t work if you don’t dedicate at least 2 days to study and 6 hours or more of free time. Preferably, you should take notes and study each chapter or read the book if you want to do well in class.)

Step 1: Make a list of things you’ll need to study for. You can get this by either talking to the teacher or asking someone from class who pays attention. If you don’t have an accurate list of what to study for, it’ll make cramming much more difficult!

Step2: Gather all the study material you’ll need as well as food and drink. Remember you’re going to be here for an extended period of time. You need to dedicate most of that time to cramming. If you don’t have a high-lighter or colored tabs, buy those.

Step 3: Plan your meal ahead of time and stay hydrated. A simple protein, complex carb, and fiber meal should suffice. It can’t be too rich or filling. If it is, you could risk getting sleepy. It takes an incredible amount of energy to remember and analyze all that stuff, so please eat right. A good example of a meal would be a cut banana with a slice of whole wheat bread smeared with peanut butter and a yogurt. A bottle of green tea is a good choice for beverage. It has a suitable amount of caffeine and is a healthier option than soda.

Step 4: With your high-lighter, mark any and all important dates or facts in the chapter.
A. If it’s for history, look for numbers and read the first, middle, and last two to three sentences of each page.
B.Where ever you see anything in bold write it down. Collect all the information by either handwriting it or typing it. This method also works well for literature. You don’t have to read the whole page to get the gist of something.
C. The only difference for literature is you have to pick a specific part of the book or story and analyze that. You do this by generating a topic sentence from the scene or instant and providing evidence statements through quotes and page references.

Step 5: Now that you have everything labeled, typed up and listed, get to remembering them by using music. Yep you guessed it, generate a simple verse of song to help with retaining the information. Studies have suggested that songs activate a section of the brain in charge of memory. If you aren’t into this method or if you want to try more, go on to Step 6.

Step 6: Draw pictures of the information. If it’s a story draw a story panel. Sometimes drawing things out can help you with understanding something. If you understand what you’re reading, you’ll remember it better.

Step 7: Associate facts with everyday items or colors. Close your eyes and think of the fact and then imagine a color or an object. “Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States. 16th is blue.”

Step 8: Clean up and go to sleep. You need to have at least 6 hours of continuous sleep or else you’ll forget things due to fatigue.

Good luck! Hope that helps you. If you want to read more tips and trick, feel free to visit my blog.

Article written by: Rosemary Jasmine Rivera

Sunday, October 30, 2011

“Pearls of Wisdom Series 3: How to achieve a g-spot orgasm”

So you’re looking to spice up your love life. Maybe you’re single and want to know a better way to masturbate. If you’re like the many women out there who feel the need to “O”, but can’t achieve it, here are some easy steps to follow to achieve sexual pleasure. Keep in mind every woman is unique and time will vary depending on your anatomy and health status.

Step 1: Get comfortable.
This might take a while so you need to have your back and head supported and enough room to spread open your legs.

Step 2: Get aroused.
You can watch your favorite adult movie or create a fantasy in your head; even eat your favorite aphrodisiac, whatever it takes to get you in the mood.

Step 3: Lay down and spread open your legs.
They can be up in the air, on the bed, or limp.

Step 4: Stimulate your clitoris.
This perhaps is the most important step. Your clitoris is that little bulb of flesh above you urethra. It is located in the top part of your external genitalia. Make sure to keep from climaxing when stimulating the clitoris so you can stay aroused. You can achieve this by rubbing it indirectly through the sides and beneath. Rubbing the vaginal opening also helps. The reason you’ll need to do this step is because the more stimulated the clitoris is, the more raised the g-spot in the vagina will be. Once raised, the g-spot will be easier to find and stimulate.

Step 5: After about 5 minutes of self petting, stick your right index and middle finger into your vagina. Keep your hand in a “come hither” posture so your fingers are right on the g-spot. Keep moving the fingers on the g-spot for a good 10 minutes. You can place your thumb or other hand on your clitoris to help with the continual arousal. In no time you should feel a sort of heat inside your body and a tensing of the muscles. Soon you’ll reach climax and just maybe squirt a little. Don’t be alarmed, squirting is natural and comes from the urethra. You’ll feel an urge to urinate and that’s normal. The liquid that comes out is not urine.

Step 6: Congratulations, you got a g-spot orgasm. Feel proud of yourself and rejoice in knowing you can take care of your sexual needs. Now go to sleep or go about your day. Don’t forget to spread the word so other women can feel the joy of climax.

For more tips and tricks, check out my blog.

Article written by: Rosemary Jasmine Rivera

Saturday, October 29, 2011

“Pearls of Wisdom Series 2: Getting better sleep Part 4”

You’ve made it to the last part of the sleep series. You either really can’t sleep, or you’re curious to find out more tips and tricks. Either way I welcome you to my article. This part of the sleep series is for people who can’t sleep due to snoring. It’s either you or your loved one who can’t seem to stop the problem no matter what you or they’ve tried. I can’t promise this will help you, but it won’t hurt to try.

Perhaps you’re snoring because you have nasal congestion. If that’s the case then this simple remedy can give you some relief.
Step 1: First and foremost stay hydrated. Phlegm will thicken if there’s not enough water present in the body. Thick phlegm makes the congestion worse.

Step 2: Grab about 4 cups of water and 2-3 Eucalyptus leaves or 3 drops of Eucalyptus oil. Bring that to a roaring boil and turn off the burner. Stand over it with a towel on your head and breathe in the steam. Keep your eyes closed if you feel uncomfortable and be careful to not tip over the hot pot of water. (If you are under the age of 18 or are physically impaired, have someone either watch or assist you.) Breathe through your nose or chest. You can switch methods of breathing back and forth if you want. After about 10-15 minutes stop. The steam and vapors from the leaf should help loosen any phlegm.

Step 3: Expel any excess phlegm and try to sleep.

If you’re the kind of person who has something physically wrong (Sleep Apnea) that makes you snore this might help.

Step 1: Go to a sleep specialist and figure out if your snoring is because of a restricted airway or a misaligned jaw or both. If it’s restricted airway only you might have Asthma and you’ll need treatment. If it’s your jaw that’s causing you to drop your tongue and restrict your breathing, then continue to step 2.

Step 2: Buy a jaw supporter. There are various kinds in the market. Pick one you’ll feel will work best. Jaw supporters have been shown to help people with Sleep Apnea by keeping the jaw aligned when sleeping. It keeps the airway free of obstruction allowing for limited to no snoring. Jaw supporters are also a lot less expensive and cumbersome then CPAP masks. (If you’ve already tried it and it won’t work, then get a CPAP mask if you can afford it.)

Step 3: Now that you spent the time and money figuring out what’s wrong, enjoy a snore free night.

I hope this helped you get some rest. For more tips on better sleep, make sure to visit my blog.

Article written by: Rosemary Jasmine Rivera

Friday, October 28, 2011

“Pearls of Wisdom Series 2: Getting better sleep Part 3”

Still can’t close your eyes even though it’s 2 in the morning? Do you have some big thing the next day and you need to get to sleep quickly? Maybe you take naps sporadically throughout the day and stay up at night?Continue reading this article to see ways you can get a better sleep fast. I know, this sounds pretty cool eh?

If you’re the type who needs sleep now and doesn’t care what it takes, do these simple steps to get to sleep fast. (By fast I mean 15-30 min. I can’t just knock you out, you know. WARNING THIS COULD BE HAZARDOUS TO YOUR HEALTH)
Step 1: Go to the kitchen or if you don’t have food in the fridge because you don’t cook, go to your nearest fast food place. (Some people may find it unsafe to go outside late at night, so just plan ahead and buy the necessary foods.)
Step 2: Pick out the most greasy, rich food you can find. (I would prefer you only do this in emergencies. If you did this everyday you’ll become extremely unhealthy.)

Step 3: Eat the gnarly food.

Step 4: Wait it out.
In about 15-30 minutes your body will start to feel the “itis”. The “itis” is when you’ve eaten a lot of rich food and start to feel tired and sleepy. The richer the food the stronger the “itis”.

Step 5: Go to sleep. If you’re not knocked out by the “itis”, then you must be an immortal.

If you’re the type who can’t sleep for more than 1-2 hours at time, this could help you.
Step 1: Set a place and time where you’ll sleep. I know this is a hard habit to get used to, but you have to control where and when you sleep. If you’re supposed to sleep in bed and end up sleeping at work, that’s not good. So choose a set place and time to snooze.

Step 2: Keep your place of slumber free of light, distractions, or temperature changes. If you can, try to keep things at a normal temperature. The more comfortable you’ll feel the easier it’ll be to sleep. If you live in the city and can’t escape the noise, simply buy or download some background sounds to mute out all the other noise. You can use headphones or a radio. Sometimes just listening to someone speak on a station can lull you to bed.

Step 3: Turn off your cell phone. If you want to keep it on in case of an emergency, simply set your phone to vibrate. If you really need the phone on with sound, then skip this step.

Step 4: Take the train to sleepville.
I hope this helped you get some rest. For more tips on better sleep, make sure to visit my blog.

Article written by: Rosemary Jasmine Rivera

Thursday, October 27, 2011

“Pearls of Wisdom Series 2: Getting better sleep Part 2”

I bet you a penny you are having trouble sleeping. Maybe you’ve become reliant on allergy pills or cough syrup, worse yet, sleeping pills to get you some rest. Well if that’s the case, I’m here to tell you there is hope. You can get to sleep if you’re willing to make an effort. It’s better to learn these habits now than never learn them later. So without further ado, here’s my guide on how to get better sleep.
If you’re the type who moves too much in bed because of chronic pain, here’s what you can do to help alleviate the problem.
Step 1: Gentle exercise is known to benefit people in a lot of ways.
Did you know it can help with chronic pain? Things like Yoga and Tai chi have been proven to help people with stiff joins and back problems find relief through proper stretching and adequate blood flow. If you can’t really stretch or care to move slowly, you can do a simple 20 minute walk to get your body warm and relaxed. Sometimes just moving a bit makes a world of difference.

Step 2: Adopt an anti-inflammatory diet.
If you eat the foods described in this kind of diet, (soy foods, fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, and even some red wine and dark chocolate) you’ll relieve a lot of the pain you experience, especially if it’s arthritis. Your blood sugar will be leveled and you’ll be able to respond to stress in an easier way. Not only will your body reap the benefits of a good diet (You might even lose weight), but your mind will too.

Step 3: Lose some weight and gain muscle!
This is perhaps the biggest tip I can give you. If you are a bit heavy, you’ll realize some of your pudge is getting in the way of sleeping comfortably. Your weight can also attribute to chronic pain because it’s difficult for your body to carry such a heavy load. If you gain muscle, not only will your metabolism speed up, you’ll have strength in your core and back. This is where a lot of people experience body aches. A strong core alleviates any pain experienced in those areas.

Step 4: Take supplements
Sometimes you just can’t afford the raw diet or you don’t have the time to exercise everyday. Well here is where supplementation can help. Just taking one high quality multi-vitamin/multi-mineral a day can truly help you feel and look better. There are plenty of anti-inflammatory supplements out in the market as well as Glucosamine Chondroitin supplements which can help lubricate and strengthen your joints.

Step 5: After a long stretch of learning good habits, get to the sack and drift away into slumber land.

I hope this helped you get some rest. For more tips on better sleep, make sure to visit my blog.

Article written by: Rosemary Jasmine Rivera

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

“Pearls of Wisdom Series 2: Getting better sleep Part 1”

Are you one of those people that can’t sleep? Do you poke your loved one in the back with a knee jab because you’re too lost in thought to count sheep? Well I’m here to give you some tips on how to sleep better, even if it’s just for the next 3 hours. (Yeah I know you have work in the morning.) So here is my guide to a better sleep.
If you’re the type to over-think about everything, especially when you’re stressed, then this is what you need to do.
Step 1: Buy a journal of any kind and write down exactly what’s going on in that noggin of yours. Even if it’s a bunch of negative jargon, it’s important to express it and let it get out. Don’t forget to read what you wrote.

Step 2: Take the piece of paper, or .doc file if your typing it, and erase it all. No matter how nasty the thoughts can be, writing them down, reading it, then erasing it will do wonders.

Step 3: Now that you have it all out of your system, try to sleep.

If you’re the type who is dieting and you’re just straight up hungry, this is what you need to do.
Step 1: (This step is to be done ahead of time.)
A.Go to the grocery store and buy a bunch of fruits and vegetables. If you’re the type who actually likes eating vegan then this shouldn’t be too bad for you.
B. Pick your favorite produce.
C. Prepare them by cutting, peeling, slicing, chopping and mixing them with a nice salad dressing. (You’ll want to do individual portions that can be consumed within 3 days.)
D. The salad itself should consists of fruits or veggies and a protein. This can be boiled eggs, seasoned tofu, beans, nuts, yogurt etc.
E. Pack your prepared meal and store it in the refrigerator.

Step 2: When you’re feeling those hunger pains, go to the fridge and eat whatever it is you prepared before. The combination of the low calorie fruits and/or vegetables along with the protein will give you a satisfying meal. The best part is you won’t feel too guilty about snacking since it’s actually been proven that eating raw fruits and vegetables create negative calories due to the amount of energy needed to burn the food which is more than the amount of energy absorbed. (You don’t want to overdo it. Things need to be portioned correctly and you shouldn’t do this every night.)

Step 3: Now that your belly is full, try hitting the hay.

I hope this has helped rest better. For more tips on sleeping better, make sure to visit my blog.

Article written by: Rosemary Jasmine Rivera

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

“Pearls of Wisdom Series 1: Being Good to Yourself”

I don’t know about you but I’ve seen too many moms give everything they have to to their kids and give nothing to themselves. Why is that? Perhaps because they’re selfless, loving women who feel their priority should be their kids above all else. Well I’m here to tell you that mindset is not right. Your first priority should be you.
Moms, girlfriends, even dads, boyfriends, anyone really, can feel the need to sacrifice themselves for the benefit of another person. It sounds good in theory. It could even lead to a wonderful outcome for the person benefitting from the giving. In the long run, would it produce a happy ending? Let’s use a basic example. Pretend you’re a mother of two kids. Both of them are going off to college and you busted your bottom working 12 hour shifts to afford to provide for them a loan free education.
The work was grueling. It was high stress and involved a lot of nights mindlessly typing on the computer. You ate whatever you could find closest to the office. Some days it was a hamburger with a large order of fries, other days it was a pizza slice with garlic bread. Everything is going well for the kids and you’re attempting to pay for a bill online.As you press the submit button on your checking account, all of sudden have a pounding headache. It’s so severe you can barely see, it’s almost as if your brain exploded.
You scream and your husband comes and calls 911. They rush you to the hospital and do an Xray. They find a vein inside your brain ready to burst. If your husband wouldn’t have been there you would have died from an aneurism. Weeks later, after surgery, you’re at home recovering. Your kids come see you, but they can’t be there often because they have to prepare for finals.
Thankfully this kind of occurrence is rare. People don’t tend to die from such things just because they’re putting forth the effort for others. What I’m trying to get at is that at the end of the day no one is going to take care of you except you. If you get sick, as supportive and as loving as the people around you can be, they can’t be there for you every minute of everyday. Think of it this way, if you don’t stay healthy and relieve any stress you have, who’s going to be there for your loved ones in the long run. You don’t want them to have to plan your funeral early in life just because you decided to work extra shifts to pay for that sweater your daughter loves in a job that drives you crazy.
You have to be good to yourself. You have to be mindful and aware of the hazards of daily life so that way you can be there for your friends and family in the long run. It pays to be a little selfish. Besides, I bet if you treat yourself, you’ll be in a good mood and everyone loves happy people.

I hope this has helped you. For more tips, make sure to visit my blog.

Article written by: Rosemary Jasmine Rivera

Monday, October 24, 2011

"Where Will You Be in 10 Years?"

I could picture it now, a meadow, a cottage, and me in a field of flowers sneezing continously from hay fever. It's so beautiful the sunshine and the clouds hovering over. I go off skipping in my neon green crocs to the little path that leads to the garden and pick apples from the tree. I sit down in my little, white dress, cross my legs and put two apples in my basket. It's warm here and perfect.
I get out of my daydream and look in the mirror. I see a dusty wall in the background and my twenty four year old self in my three year old pair of Nikes with a hole on each front. The bulge from my pants being too tight, and the purple shirt with a bleach stain at the edge harken me back to the day 10 years ago I told myself I'd be in the meadow, in my dress. Man, has life gone 180 from what I wanted. Where do you think you thought you'd be?
The past has a way of repeating itself and one of my greatest fears is that I'll spend another 10 years doing the same thing. Even worse, there could be nothing in the mirror where my reflection would be. It's hard, it sucks when dreams are dashed and never fulfilled. Does that mean they should be tossed away and forgotten? I don't think so. Just because I'm not in my neon green crocs now doesn't mean I won't get a pair.
You see, schedules are for people who think they'll be able to predict what will happen next. I've learned I'm not one of those people. I thought I was. I thought after I graduated college I would instantly get a decent job and save up for a home and in a year or two I'd be debt-free setting up residence in the suburbs. That was far from the truth.
With that error of estimation, I received a wake up call to reality and a different take on the whole 10 years. Who cares if you're not a billionaire by 30 or a famous playboy playmate. What matters to me is I'm healthy and I'm going for that meadow somehow. There's no time line or ticking clock. For once in my life, I don't care how I'll get there, I'm just enjoying the ride, and that's the best part.
Article by: Rosemary Jasmine Rivera

Sunday, October 23, 2011

"If I Were Justin Beiber's Kid"

I've been hearing a lot in the news lately about that girl's kid not being Justin Beiber's. I don't know about you, but I've recently been wanting to know what it'd be like to be his kid. You can say I'd be rich, with my own blinged out binky, but what do you think would really happen if Justin Beiber were my dad? (heck your dad with all the claims spewing out there) So I planned a creative writing experiment. You can participate too. Here are my results. (Hypothetically speaking!)
Okay so I'm sitting here waiting for daddy to come pick me up. I'm 2 years old. (yeah he had me when he was 15) I'm wearing my "Baby, Baby" t-shirt a fan made for him and threw at him along with a water bottle. (Poor daddy, she was trying to keep you hydrated, at least that's what the Youtube comments say. Relax Einstein, my mom was reading them out loud to me. She's his # 1 fan you know.) She reminded me of my mommy. Oh yeah she totally bought all his merch and was like going crazy when she got her VIP pass to one of his concerts. I was totally conceived there.
I can remember her retelling her friends the whole story. She was 14, recently finished her first year of high school and newly elected president of the Beiber fan club. She had long, brown hair and braces. (They're the invisalign ones. She's getting them off next year, at least that's what she says.) She was the most improved in her class and she was going to college to be a lawyer. Then that one wine cooler induced steamy night of passion made me. (She won't go into the details of the tryst for fear of hurting my delicate, toddler ears.) Oh crap, daddy's here!
My mom opens the car door and let's the Beibs in and he kisses my forehead. I throw up on him some pink and green Gogurt and he puts me on his lap while he cleans his shirt. I smile at him. He tells mommy something about the 16 and pregnant show, how she can't qualify since she's not preggers. She said yes she can and pulled out a pregnancy test with a plus sign on it. (I was taught letters and signs when I was 6 months old thank you!)Poor daddy just sits in the car and weeps a little. I don't blame him.
Article by: Rosemary Jasmine Rivera

Saturday, October 22, 2011

"The Funniest Thing That Ever Happened To Me"

Have you ever taken Karate classes? I have when I was 12 for like 6 weeks. My mom got me my gear and paid for two times a week sessions. I had the breast pad thing, the soft "special" helmet too small for my head, and the weird cushiony foot guards. I also got the mouth guard and two uniforms with a white belt. Anyway I was kicking butt and taking names when I was in that class. I was the only girl there besides the "I had to take my sister with me" 4 year old. Can you imagine, 9 tween age boys and 1 fat tween age girl? Let's just say it wasn't easy.
It was a Thursday when my friend's mom picked me up to take me to Shoto Kahn Karate practice. I was 1 yellow strip away from becoming a yellow belt and mother nature decided to tug onto the lining of my uterus. You guessed it, I just got my period and I was unsure of whether or not I should attend practice. "Just double up" I thought to myself, placing one pad in my underwear and another outside my underwear in my pants.
Low and behold when we were at practice, during warm ups, I did a third high kick that sent my "spare" maxipad into the air and next to the sensei. I was so red people thought I was having a heart attack. Sensei quickly diverted the attention away from the pad to stretches on the wall. For what seemed like 5 million hours I lay there on the floor, my peripheral vision on the pad and waited until I could move before I ninjaed it off the floor into my pants and went straight up to the bathroom on the second floor. I stayed there until the end of practice when my friend's mom came to get me. "Are you okay she asked?" I simply opened the door with eyes swollen, nodded, and said "No".
Eventually I gathered enough courage to go downstairs and pack up to leave. Before I left I asked one of the boys still there if he saw anything. He said no he didn't. Then right as I was about to go out the door, the boy screamed out: "So long maxipad girl!". I decided to stop going. Looking back on it, it's hilarious, though I definitely don't want a repeat!
Article by: Rosemary Jasmine Rivera

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Hi, welcome to my blog

This is where I will talk about anything and everything. This is my personal space to express my feelings and my passions. I will be posting articles here on mental health, entertainment, and inspirational, and how-to's. Feel free to post and subscribe.

Thank you for looking at my blog,