Thursday, October 27, 2011

“Pearls of Wisdom Series 2: Getting better sleep Part 2”

I bet you a penny you are having trouble sleeping. Maybe you’ve become reliant on allergy pills or cough syrup, worse yet, sleeping pills to get you some rest. Well if that’s the case, I’m here to tell you there is hope. You can get to sleep if you’re willing to make an effort. It’s better to learn these habits now than never learn them later. So without further ado, here’s my guide on how to get better sleep.
If you’re the type who moves too much in bed because of chronic pain, here’s what you can do to help alleviate the problem.
Step 1: Gentle exercise is known to benefit people in a lot of ways.
Did you know it can help with chronic pain? Things like Yoga and Tai chi have been proven to help people with stiff joins and back problems find relief through proper stretching and adequate blood flow. If you can’t really stretch or care to move slowly, you can do a simple 20 minute walk to get your body warm and relaxed. Sometimes just moving a bit makes a world of difference.

Step 2: Adopt an anti-inflammatory diet.
If you eat the foods described in this kind of diet, (soy foods, fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, and even some red wine and dark chocolate) you’ll relieve a lot of the pain you experience, especially if it’s arthritis. Your blood sugar will be leveled and you’ll be able to respond to stress in an easier way. Not only will your body reap the benefits of a good diet (You might even lose weight), but your mind will too.

Step 3: Lose some weight and gain muscle!
This is perhaps the biggest tip I can give you. If you are a bit heavy, you’ll realize some of your pudge is getting in the way of sleeping comfortably. Your weight can also attribute to chronic pain because it’s difficult for your body to carry such a heavy load. If you gain muscle, not only will your metabolism speed up, you’ll have strength in your core and back. This is where a lot of people experience body aches. A strong core alleviates any pain experienced in those areas.

Step 4: Take supplements
Sometimes you just can’t afford the raw diet or you don’t have the time to exercise everyday. Well here is where supplementation can help. Just taking one high quality multi-vitamin/multi-mineral a day can truly help you feel and look better. There are plenty of anti-inflammatory supplements out in the market as well as Glucosamine Chondroitin supplements which can help lubricate and strengthen your joints.

Step 5: After a long stretch of learning good habits, get to the sack and drift away into slumber land.

I hope this helped you get some rest. For more tips on better sleep, make sure to visit my blog.

Article written by: Rosemary Jasmine Rivera

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