You are the captain in the boat that is your life. You command in which direction your mast will be pointed towards. (Don’t start thinking perverted.) You control which crew mates can come on board and how fast you want your ship to go. So what happens when you stop being the captain of your ship?
From my personal experience, when I stopped taking control of my life, I stopped caring about it. I didn’t care how I dressed, how I looked, how I ate. All I cared about was being numb. All I cared about was how to get numb. Nothing else mattered to me.
That was a large chunk of my life. If you’re like me and feel that way right now, you have to look in the mirror and accept what is and take back control. Be responsible for your actions today. It doesn’t matter if you falter and stumble. As long as you claim what you’ve done and to whom you’ve done it to, even if it’s just yourself at first, that’s enough to move you forward. Really, progress isn’t based on achievement, but rather the courage to move past all that was.
You’re past could have been full of pain and despair. You could have been born with a rusted knife in your mouth instead of a silver spoon. That doesn’t mean it has to dictate how you’re going to be for the rest of your life. I’ll admit, when you have a bad start, it’s really difficult getting your bearings. You can’t give up. You can’t lose control of what makes you, you. Hard lives must be lived through patience.
The best way to learn patience is by being able to harness and focus on what you can do and let go of what’s out of your control. You can’t dictate the status of the weather or how a person will receive you. Don’t worry about that because at the end of the day, that’s out of your zone of ability. What you can do is put on a raincoat, wear your favorite outfit, and smile at whoever you’re facing. That is the key to accepting responsibility and moving on with your life.
My book, Can Your Passions Save You? deals with owning up to your actions and finding ways to continue. Passions can and will give you back your steering wheel to life because they are your deepest desires. They are the road maps to who you truly are. Let me just say, deep down, you’re an amazing person. We all are.
Let go of the past, move forward to your destiny.
Bless You,
Rosemary Jasmine Rivera
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