Sunday, November 6, 2011

“Pearls of Wisdom Series 8: The Importance of Organic”

Welcome to my series known as: Pearls of Wisdom. This series focuses on a wide variety of topics that will guide you to a better state of being. Sometimes I discuss, in a step by step process, how to do something. Other times I will simply give information about an important topic. Feel free to check the remaining articles from this series in my blog.
I cannot stress how important it is to eat organic in America. In this day and age there are so many foods out there available to the American public that are ladened with chemicals and preservatives. The worst part is, the stuff you'd think is healthy could actually be dangerous to your health. From genetically modified corn and soy to pesticide ridden produce, how are we supposed to stay healthy? The answer is by eating better.
It's not just food that should be organic, it's beauty products as well. The harmful chemicals you're putting on your skin and hair do just as much damage as consuming them. You should always be aware and do your research concerning products you buy. Ironically even the most high end of beauty products can contain petrochemicals and preservatives that do more harm than good.
Let's start with the meaning or organic. I know a lot of food labels out there, including beauty products state their products are organic. It can be very misleading. First, see the percentage of organic items in the ingredients list or on the labels. If it says 100% certified organic, than it's a purely organic product. If that's the case, all the ingredients should have organic before each one. Second, even if it's not 100% organic, and it's just 10% organic, check which ingredients are used. Sulfates due damage to the skin and hair and any emulsifier that is not plant derived tend to come from toxic sources.
Not everyone cares if they have organic beauty products. If that's the case, then please check out the organic section of your supermarket and look for any thin skinned fruits and veggies. Thick skinned fruits like bananas or cantaloupe don't have to be organic because the skin is so thick, most of the pesticides will reside there, not in the pulp. Thin skinned fruits like apples and peaches should be picked organic whenever possible. Two food items that must always be organic is corn and soy. This is because corn and soy are being genetically modified to result in large volume yields. Not only are there pesticides on these two products, but they're not even natural anymore. (Make sure to check food labels to see if it contains corn syrup or soy product. These are used as fillers and are not good for your health.)
Eat Well and Be Healthy! If you liked what you read, be sure to check out my blog.

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