Do not tell the guy your background until at least 3 dates in. Why? Easy my dear, because most guys just want to get it in or get out on the first date. They’re trying to size you up. If they see you’re blabbing off on how many boyfriends you cheated on or how lonely you were last week, or that you haven’t had sex in 5 years, they’re going to think you’re a nutcase or worse yet, a one night stand. If they do end up liking you’ll they’ll want to get to know you, but in a slow manner. It’ll be them asking the questions and you wisely answering them.
Do not lie your as$ off to impress or seem interesting. Eventually the truth will come out and you’ll end up looking like a pathological jerk with “issues”. Besides, even if you pull off the charade, it’ll get to you, knowing you can’t be your true self with the guy you’re dating. If a guy really loves you, he’ll love you for you. (The normal you, not the I’m strung up on caffeine and vodka you) As cheesy as that sounds, it is so true.
Do not be a doormat with your guy. He already has a mother, he doesn’t need two. Remember those suburban 50‘s housewives who dress all spiffy and wait for their man to come home and take off his shoes and prepare his meals? Well it’s 2011 and I’m pretty sure the word “spiffy” isn’t used anymore. So take off that apron and grab him by the horns, or horn.
Do not go into a relationship with low self esteem. This is probably the single biggest Don’t in the history of all Dont’s evar! Men love confident women who know what they want and where they want to do it. Obviously you can’t be too self absorbed or too egotistic, but if your man of interest sees you love yourself and carry yourself with grace and integrity, he’ll think twice before being a jerk to you. You can set limits as to how people treat you. You are the master of you’re life.
Thanks for reading and hopefully you learned a little on how to not approach a guy
Written by: Rosemary Jasmine Rivera
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